The following is the Saint Cloud Regional Human Rights Commission's official stand on the proposed marriage amendment, which would define marriage as a bond between one man and one woman. This press release will be published in the St. Cloud Times, and has appeared in other venues.

March 22, 2012
The St. Cloud Area Regional Human Rights Commission announces its opposition to the proposed Constitutional Amendment against marriage equality in Minnesota.
Consistent with the resolution of the League of Minnesota Human Rights Commissions, passed in May, 2011, local commissioners voted at its December, 2011, meeting to “oppose changing the Minnesota constitution in order to ban the legal recognition of same-sex relationships and unions.”
Cara Ruff, chair of the St. Cloud Area Regional Commission, stated, “Our purpose is to secure for all citizens and visitors equal opportunity, access, inclusion and participation in the affairs of this community. We agree with the state League of Human Rights Commissions that ‘this legislation, if approved, would have a direct, negative impact on Minnesota’s GLBT community in particular, by denying equal protection of -the law and relegating families headed by or consisting of same-sex couples to a permanent second-class citizenship status’.”
According to estimates from the Williams Institute of the UCLA School of Law, the city of St. Cloud has approximately 94 same-sex couple households. The three surrounding counties—Benton, Sherburne, and Stearns—have approximately 223 same-sex households. (
“Our role in the community is to promote and protect the human rights of all our residents and to work diligently to prevent discrimination based on a number of characteristics, including sexual orientation,” Ruff stated. “We believe that the proposed amendment would enshrine discrimination against same-sex couples in our state Constitution on a permanent basis. As human rights advocates, we believe it is our responsibility to voice our opposition.”
For more information: Cara Ruff (
Judy Foster (320) 240-6362