Don't be an April Fool. April is a month for awareness of the following human rights-related issues:
Autism Awareness Month: The United States has recognized National Autism Awareness month since the 1970s, and the number of people diagnosed with an autistic spectrum disorder is skyrocketing. It is possible that environmental factors play a role in the development of autistic spectrum disorders, and it is also possible that some children are being misdiagnosed. The more information that we can get will help everyone. People in Central Minnesota are doing some things in support of autism awareness this year. On April 1st and 2nd, Saint Cloud State University will show the film "On the Spectrum", followed by a panel discussion, and the Miller Center Library and Brown Hall will be decked out in blue lights to support autism awareness. SCSU employees and students has been asked to wear blue during those two days. Autism Speaks has generated this national movement. Also, contact the Autism Society of Minnesota for more information to build autism awareness.
Child Abuse Awareness Month: The US Department of Health and Human Services has declared April Child Abuse Awareness Month. Their website says it all. The Minnesota Department of Human Services Child Protection main page defines child abuse and neglect, and provides instructions for Minnesotans on how to report child abuse or neglect, as well as many other child welfare resources. In Minnesota, while the number of children being placed into foster care due to abuse is decreasing, the percentage of children of color taken into custody is increasing, and cases of medical neglect and physical abuse are increasing. In 2009, Stearns and Benton County received a Blue Ribbon award from Prevent Child Abuse Minnesota (PCAM) for their collaborative work to end child abuse and neglect. Let's keep up our reputation for responsive, effective support for children in need.
Sexual Assault Awareness Month: Sexual assault can happen to anyone--male or female, single or otherwise, young or old, straight or gay, able or disabled, white or of color--and anyone can be a perpetrator. The US Military is recognizing Sexual Assault Awareness Month, to educate millions of enlisted men and women about inappropriate touching and unwanted sexual advances. The United States Department of Justice has put together a website for their Office on Violence Against Women, which has published the following reports on sexual violence in the United States. Some quick facts to know about sexual assault in the United States, provided by the Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN):
-- Every two minutes, someone in the United States is sexually assaulted.
-- Nearly 50% of sexual assault victims are under 18 years old; 80% are under 30.
-- 54% of sexual assault cases are never reported to the police; 97% of rapists will never spend a day in jail.
In Central Minnesota, the Central Minnesota Sexual Assault Center provides 24 hour support for victims of sexual violence. Please see their website for local community resources and events. The St. Cloud Hospital also has an excellent page for victims of domestic violence and local resources.
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