I will just put it out there, for the record--I hate asking people for money. But a large chunk of our nation has been hit by the worst storm ever recorded in our history, and one week later people are still suffering from the aftermath. My own parents still do not have electricity or phone service. It is difficult to get gas and, in some places, basic groceries.
Senior citizens, people who depend on public transportation, and the homeless especially need assistance during this time. Some kids will still be home from school on Monday if there is no electricity and no way to get to school. For some of those kids, their school lunch may be the only meal they get to eat all day.
If you have the time to volunteer, or the money to donate, please consider the following opportunities:
1. The Ali Forney Center for LGBT Homeless Youth in NYC is under four feet of water and all computers, food, phones, and electricity wiped out. Thousands of kids depend heavily on this center for food, education, and personal safety. Please click here to learn more about how you can help.
2. Top 12 ways to donate time, money, etc. to Hurricane Sandy victims in NYC.
3. General donation/volunteering sites:
AmeriCares Hurricane Sandy Donations
American Red Cross
Even spreading the word about what is happening and how to help is huge. Thank you for listening.
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